Deep Cleaning

Miracle Cleaning LLC is proud to serve the residents of the [Rhoad island]. We provide our clients with thorough, reliable deep cleaning services for their homes and businesses.

We can customize our deep cleaning services for our client’s needs and budgets. We are fully equipped to clean your home and office, so you can relax while we do the work. We even provide free estimates upon request.

For example, we can do a single deep clean or provide ongoing maintenance for your interior spaces. You may wonder how we can provide ongoing maintenance for your interior spaces. We’ll get to that in a moment, but first, let’s take a look at the details of our single deep clean services:

If you own an office building or hotel/bed & breakfast, we offer regular cleaning jobs so that everything stays neat all year round.

Deep Cleaning Services We Offer:

With no worries, you can rely on our team and their experience to get the job done right. We offer several deep cleaning services, a few of them are here:

Washroom Cleaning

We all know the importance of having a clean and tidy washroom, especially if you have kids at home. This is why; we clean every corner of your washroom to ensure our cleaning service leaves no bacteria or germs behind.

Toilets Behind

Cleaning behind toilets is not easy, but we are up for it! We will make sure that all the dirt and grime are removed from behind your toilet so you can use it again in a clean state.

Bathtubs/Shower cabins

We will give your bathtub or shower cabin a complete scrubbing so that it looks new again. Our cleaners will remove any stains or discoloration on your tub or shower cabin and leave it looking bright and shiny.

Carpet Vacuuming

Our carpet vacuuming services are designed to ensure that no dust or dirt settles in your carpet fibers. This helps keep your home clean and fresh-smelling by preventing dust mites from settling there, which can be harmful to allergies if left untreated.

Sofa vacuuming

We use specialized equipment and techniques to ensure that every last crumb has been removed from every corner of your sofa.

For fan cleaning, we will dust and sanitize fans in kitchens, bathrooms, and other rooms throughout the property. This service also includes changing light bulbs where available.

Furniture dusting

We will dust down all surfaces of your furniture, including shelves and cabinets, as well as window sills, if applicable.

Cupboard cleaning

this service is specifically designed for cupboards where dirt can build up quickly over time due to lack of access. We will thoroughly clean all cupboards, so they look like new!

Kitchen cabinets cleaning

We will polish and shine all your kitchen cabinets, making them look new. This service is perfect if you want to sell your home or rent it out for extra income.

Stove and hood cleaning

We will remove grease deposits from your stovetop, oven hoods, and switchboards to make them look as good as new.


We will remove dirt from switchboards and cover plates so they no longer appear old or worn out. This service is ideal if you want your home interior to stand out from others in the neighborhood.